The Holiday Blues & End of Year Stress
Not everyone feels jolly during the holidays. In fact, for some, it’s the most difficult time of the year. The holidays can be associated with bad childhood memories, it can highlight current financial hardship, it can be painful due to the recent loss of a family member or friend, and it can accentuate feelings of isolation and depression. And on top of that, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the stress of it all! If any of this sounds familiar, and you’re finding yourself succumbing to the holiday blues, you are not alone.
To hear how to brave the holidays and manage end of year stress on That Radio Show
Sunday December 16, 2018, click here
Make sure to listen to previous episodes with Peter Armstrong, Nicola Charles, Eddie Olek, Andrew Jobling and Me! Sundays 8am-9am SEN+ 1377AM (Australia) & 9-10pm (UK).